MTV in het teken van overleden King of Pop

vrijdag 26 juni 2009

Naar aanleiding van de schokkende dood van één van de grootste sterren ooit in de geschiedenis van pop, zendt muziekzender MTV de hele dag een aangepaste programmering uit. Op MTV zal een nog nooit eerder uitgezonden special te zien zijn van Michael Jackson. Daarnaast zullen de sterrenreports 'crispy news' aangepast zijn. Voor het laatste nieuws over de dood van Michael kun je op de website terecht.


aarnaast zullen de muziekuren ingevuld worden met de allerbeste hits uit de carrière van Michael Jackson. Met zijn dood is er een groot muzieklegende heen gegaan.

MTV Networks is zeer aangedaan door het plotselinge overlijden van een artiest die zo'n groot aandeel heeft gehad in het succes van MTV wereldwijd. Een woordvoerder van MTV Networks International zegt hierover: 'Michael's death is a tremendous loss around the world. He was an incredible entertainer, a musical genius who moved generations of fans.  He crossed cultural and geographical boundaries, elevated music videos to an art form and was inextricably tied to MTV. His music will live on and continue to entertain us forever.'

Ook verschillende grote artiesten hebben geschokt gereageerd op de dood van Michael Jackson.

'He was just a fabulous guy. Phenomenal. I watched him as a kid and I was like, 'Man, he works very hard.' His music was incredible. Everybody from Chris Brown to everybody who started dancing — he influenced all of that.'

Britney Spears
'I was so excited to see his show in London,' zegt de zangeres. 'We were going to be on tour in Europe at the same time and I was going to fly in to see him. He has been an inspiration throughout my entire life and I'm devastated he's gone!'

Justin Timberlake
'I can't find the words right now to express how deeply saddened I am by Michael's passing. We have lost a genius and a true ambassador of not only pop music, but of all music. He has been an inspiration to multiple generations, and I will always cherish the moments I shared with him onstage and all of the things I learned about music from him and the time we spent together. My heart goes out to his family and loved ones.'

Fat Joe
'This is probably [among] the top three worst days of my life. MJ — you know I'm a gangsta rapper so we always got that hard edge, but at the end of the day, the king is the king. 'I can go down the list: there wouldn't be no Usher, there wouldn't be no Chris Brown. There wouldn't be nobody without MJ. There wouldn't be no Justin. He was just harmony on Earth. I never think MJ ever did anything wrong in his life. He was just a beautiful soul on this earth.'

Rev Run
'The thing that went through my mind was that he lived so big. He just worked it so hard. He was such a big imagination. He danced, he sang, he pushed so hard to entertain us. He was so driven that it was really amazing. I think the best thing that Michael will leave is his ability to captivate people. He captivated us.'

Snoop Dogg
'I feel like his music will never die and his spirit will never die, because he influenced so many if us. He gave us a lot of hope that we feel like we can be big. He was very inspiring and up close and personal with his fans. That to me was special. That's one of the things that I loved about Mike. When I got a chance to meet him, that's the feeling and spirit that I got from him.'

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